Wednesday, December 16, 2015

After School

An important tip on what to do when you get home from school.

It is common practice for parents to interrogate you with questions shortly after school is out. You may be asked probing questions designed to break you down and gain potentially vital intelligence.

Novice parents will usually approach with something like, “Did you have a good day at school?” or “Was school fun today?” Basic questions like this are easily deflected with a quick “Yes” followed by an immediate change of topic or distraction (see: CAR RIDES).

More experienced or persistent parents may come at you with something like, "How was school today?” Do not lose your nerve. It is important to keep your answers monosyllabic. The recommended response here is a simple “Fine.” The word “Good” may be substituted on Fridays or half-days.

PRO TIP: The one time of day when you may deviate from the advice above is at bedtime. If you are being sent to bed and have exhausted all other stalling techniques (see: BEDTIME), it is appropriate to reveal some school-related detail. This tactic will catch most parents off-guard, but is not without risk. While many parents will love to hear you finally opening up about school, some may become agitated as if they have something else to do after you’re asleep. Either way, you will have added precious minutes to your evening.

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